Friday, September 1, 2017

Logitech G930 (or G35) not loud enough? Here is a fix!

     Is your PUBG not loud enough in your Logitech headphones?  Is your music not as loud as it used to be?  The problem likely comes from your software, not the hardware!

     Logitech made a poor business decision pissing off a lot of customers, when they decided to remove the preamp from the advanced EQ section of the Logitech Gaming Software, that you use with your G930 or G35 headphones.  I followed someone's advise and rolled back to 8.57 or something, where it SHOWS the preamp, but the button is grayed out and you cannot adjust it!  You can see it move a little if you change the EQ manually, but it only goes up or down a tiny bit and doesn't do what we are looking for.

     It started with version 8.45 and higher.  Something about complying with EU Standards of some kind.  Well, screw that.  I prefer my freedom to make myself go deaf if I want to! (Playing electric guitar in bands for years, I am fully aware of noise limits of the ear).

     Use version 8.40, or earlier, to get your preamp back! You can install it right over your more current version.  Go to EQ, click Advanced button (below the Bass and Treble old fashioned sliders) and on the left, you'll see the Preamp section is no longer grayed out!  Adjust to your tastes, even if you prefer to lower it to clean up your bass on the subwoofer in the surround sound.  Myself, I prefer to boost it, so I can turn the music as loud as I like, and hear wonderfully in games like PUBG with direction audio as part of the gameplay.

     Here is the link provided by Logitech, where you can find a variety of previous versions:
This is direct from  In case they ever remove the files, I have uploaded the 32 and 64 bit version of 8.40 to my public dropbox.  Just post a comment if you need, and I will provide the link.



  1. can you pls give me the link they have removed it

  2. I was facing the same issue, but I found a site where they have shared some of the best wireless headphones for PUBG

  3. Other Forums says LGS_8.57.145_x64_Logitech works the best way!
